My biggest Asset – Asheville photography locations

Location makes the experience and truly makes the gallery, outside of my actual subject. I am mainly an outdoor photographer so scouting and mastering how the experience will play out and what conditions may lend to- is truly an investment of time and also creates an important aspect of my brand identity.

Mastering a brand is mastering your product offering, thus mastering your locations is one of your biggest assets. 

Oftentimes, I have studied these locations by spending time there meditating, camping and enjoying a hike with my family to see how my own family responds to the environment. I have been able to understand the light source and how it affects the landscape as the sun is rising and setting. I also am very in tune with the elements and how bright lighting, shade, overcast skies and timing of the day affect this location. Of course I am also taking in the hike duration and determining if the trail is moderate or more so difficult, as well. 

Your location will never behave the exact same way over time, so it’s important to study these environments seasonally to see how the spring and harvest seasons add to the texture and color appeal. This gives you a better understanding and supports your expert advice regarding the color choices in wardrobe for your subject, as well.

I utilize the ALL TRAILS LINK to support conceptualization of the experience for my client, alongside prospecting new locations, when I am traveling: 

Prior to mentioning the below, it is so important to note that I am always forthcoming with my process, however, it is so important we are keeping these locations preserved and we are leaving no trace of ourselves. Furthermore, I have never been intimidated regarding other photographers utilizing my same locations. We all have our own personalities and photography styles/values. There is never a way to duplicate my specific work, now will there be a way for someone to do the same to you. Clients love you for more than just the locations you are experiencing together as there are several MAJOR aspects to the relationship and your skill. 

Check out these current Asheville locations I frequent:

Black Balsam Knob

Max Patch Loop

Bearwallow Mountain

Craggy Gardens

Chimney Rock State Park

Hawksbill Mountain

The Chimneys – Linville Wilderness

Jump Off Rock


If you are looking for photographers in Asheville NC, I would be honored to share my experience with you. I am resident Family, Maternity and Newborn photographer. I offer a complete wardrobe of over 100 dresses including, newborn through Toddler sizes that you will have access to for your photography session. Check out the full Asheville Photography Experience along with the Investment Guide!

Are you ready to fine tune your style in photography and learn how to grow your business without pouring additional time into the process? Let me show you how to utilize key strategies in your technique and where to position your Brand to gain the ideal client for your specific niche! Check out my mentorship packages HERE. I am looking forward to supporting your career goals and your work/life balance!